I worked with Slovak Television on the minority magazines about the Croatians and Bulgarians in Slovakia. I am an author of the script to the film documentaries Dobre nám je v Petržalke bývať (Living Well in Petržalka, 2003), Božie telo v Csömöri (The Feast of Corpus Christi in Csomor, 2005), a co–author of the documentary Trhovisko (Market Place, 2005) and an edition Osobnosti slovenskej etnológie (Personalities of the Slovak Ethnology, 2008–2013), a tutor of a master’s film project by Miroslav Bartoš „Slovaks in Croatia“. My documentaries have been presented at various film festivals and screenings in the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia. Photo and film documentation is not only part of my work, but a hobby as well. In her professional activities she endeavors to professionalize the visual anthropology in Slovakia.