Prof. PhDr. Zuzana Beňušková, CSc.


Curriculum vitae

Zuzana Beňušková (1960) was born and lives in Bratislava, Slovakia. In 1983 she graduated in ethnology from the Comenius University in Bratislava and started to work at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ethnology, devoting to rituals, religiosity, ethnic minorities and the town ethnology. Since 1996 she also teaches at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Constantine Philosopher (UCP) in Nitra. Since 2004 she became the professor assistant and 2013 a university professor. 2005 – 2011 she was the Head of the Department of Ethnology and Ethnomusicology at the UCP.

She is the author of over 80 papers, successful publication projects:

She was the editor of the journal Etnologické rozpravy (The Discussions on Ethnology) in 2002 –2003; she was 2002-2008 the chairperson of the Slovak Society of Ethnology (Národopisná spoločnosť Slovenska). Since 2006 – 2016 she has been a member of the Organizing Committee of Etnofilm Čadca international film festival.

Book publications

Religiozita a medzikonfesionálne vzťahy v lokálnom spoločenstve
Interreligious relations in local communities

Bratislava: SAV, 2004. – 198 s. – ISBN 80-224-0853-0.

Tekovské Lužany: kultúrna a sociálna diverzita vidieckeho spoločenstva
Tekovské Lužany: cultural and social diversity of the rural community

Nitra: UKF, 2011. – 145 s. – ISBN 978-80-8094-456-8.

Prečo sú Vianoce tradičné aj nové? In: Popelková, K. a kol.: Čo je to sviatok v 21. storočí na Slovensku?
Why is Christmas both traditional and new? In: Popelková, K. et al.: What is a holiday in the 21st century in Slovakia?

Bratislava: Ústav etnológie SAV 2014, s. 110-163.

Občianske obrady na Slovensku
Civic ceremonies in Slovakia

Bratislava: VEDA, 2017. – 134 s. – ISBN 978-80-224-1623-8.

Už sa chystá svadba istá. Svadobné obyčaje slovom a obrazom.
The wedding is definitely coming. Wedding customs in words and pictures.

Bratislava: VEDA, 2020, 128 s. – ISBN 978-80-224-1931-7.

Civil ceremonies in socialist Czechoslovakia and post-socialist Slovakia
The wedding is definitely coming. Wedding customs in words and pictures.

Bratislava: Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS, Marenčin PT, spol. s r. o, 2021, 147 s., ISBN 978-80-569-0944-7.